Cheryl and Corrine: A Friendship Grown Through L'Arche
Cheryl and Corrine recently shared their story of friendship.
Cheryl: I was a part of Nehalem at the very beginning, and I have known many people from L’Arche even longer. I have been friends with Cindy Leonard and her mom for over 30 years. Me and Cindy used to live close to each other in St. Johns. Cindy’s grandma was a nurse for my good friend Dorothy Coughlin when she had her first child. I met Cindy through Dorothy and Cindy’s grandma. Cindy and I used to go out a lot together with our moms. We went to Sunday School and went out to lunch together.I have lived in a lot of places, but now I live in my own apartment on Multnomah Street. It’s close to Fred Meyer, and I go there every day. I like to walk around, see friends and keep bus y. I go home every night at 7:00 and watch TV, unless I am out with my friends.
Corrine: I became a L’Arche Assistant at Nehalem House four years ago and met Cheryl soon after. Cheryl volunteers at the tree sale every year and comes to gatherings, like this one. One day at REX, now known as L’Arche@UP, I asked Cheryl what she liked to do during the week, and she told me that she goes to a lunch for seniors at the Salvation Army. Cheryl invited me to join her. I went and met some of Cheryl’s friends, enjoyed a meal with her and learned about her love for puzzles and bingo.
Cheryl: Last year, I found out that my friend and neighbor Dorothy was moving to Wilsonville to be closer to her kids and grandkids. Dorothy helped me a lot and this was a big change. The next time I saw Corrine at L’Arche, I asked her if she’d like to work with me. Corrine was really happy.
Corrine: Since then, Cheryl has been more involved in the community. We have joined for many Monday night dinners at Nehalem House and pizza nights at Neahkahnie House. We have gone swimming with Erin, to the movies with Cindy, and we have cooked meals at L’Arche.
Cheryl: Marilyn is my friend. When she has a birthday or is sick, I make sure to send her a card. Sometimes when I see Marilyn at Nehalem, she asks me, “Do you like me?” I say to her, “I love you, Marilyn!”
Corrine: Marilyn loves Cheryl, too, and always says, “I’m good to you, Cheryl.”
Cheryl: I like that Corrine spends time with me. When we had all that snow and ice in Portland last year, Corrine was my life support. On an icy day, she took me out to lunch, to the Lloyd Center, and to church.
Corrine: I appreciate how Cheryl is friendly to everyone she meets. She is a very thoughtful person. She loves animals, takes care of her plants and writes letters to friends. I moved out of Nehalem House this summer, but Cheryl continues to be involved with L’Arche. I introduced Cheryl to Ellen Eischen from L’Arche USA who lives in Cheryl’s neighborhood. Ellen and Cheryl are now going to L’Arche@Tabor together.
Cheryl: L’Arche at Tabor was so fun! There was good food and yummy dessert. We celebrated October birthdays, and I am excited to go back for November birthdays. I knew a lot of people there and I met new people, too.