Announcing our New Community Leader

Greetings L'Arche Portland Family and Friends,

 It gives me great pleasure to announce that L'Arche Portland has discerned our new Community Leader/Executive Director, Julia Brown. Julia is a highly qualified and inspiring individual, and we are thrilled to welcome her into this role. 

 Julia shares the following message:

 I am so honored to be joining L'Arche Portland!  In 2003, I came to visit my first L'Arche community. The joy, acceptance, and humor drew me in, and I immediately started looking at L'Arche communities around the world. Though I ended up serving as a Jesuit Volunteer in Juneau, AK with folks with intellectual disabilities instead, it has all worked to bring me here today. Most of my work has centered around people living with addiction, houselessness, and untreated HIV/AIDS, and all of it has been beautiful and hard and powerful and life-changing.  I truly believe that community, communication, and vulnerability can transform us and our relationships into powerful forces of good.  I can't wait to continue the journey of living whole, full, healthy, and connected lives with all of you!

Supporting me on the journey are my husband, Bruce, my 5-year-old son, Sully, and a whole bunch of pets. We enjoy hiking, riding bikes, camping, being outside as much as we can, making art, cooking, and playing together.  

Thank you for the amazing L'Arche welcome! I look forward to getting to know and learning from each of you.


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